Uranus Automatically User Management for Jira

Uranus Automatically User Management for Jira

Initial setting

  1. Go to http://admin.atlassian.com. Select your organization if you have more than one.

  2. Select Settings > API keys.

  3. Select Create API key in the top right.

  4. Enter a name that you’ll remember to identify the API key.

  5. By default, the key expires one week from today. If you’d like to change the expiration date, pick a new date under Expires on. You’re unable to select a date longer than a year from the date of creation.

  6. Select Create to save the API key.

  7. Paste the values for your Organization ID and API key into this page.


Configure scheduler

Enable and setup scheduler to automatically deactivate inactive users as below:

Inactive users means who has not accessed Jira for a certain number of days configured in step 4 - Disable when user has not accessed Jira for:*

  1. Choose an action to apply for the schedule job. Option Deactivate means the schedule job will deactivate inactive users directly . Option Remove specific group means the schedule job will remove the inactivate users from certain groups defined in step 2 - Effective Remove Group user.

  1. Select groups for Effective Remove Group User, it’s only available if you select option Remove specific group in step 1.

  1. Select a group for Special Group User(Not affected) which means the users within the selected group will never be activate or removed from some certain groups by the schedule job.


  1. Input days for Disable when user has not accessed Jira for which defines the inactive users by how many days they haven’t accessed Jira.

  1. Select Schedule Run Time (by day) which determines when the schedule job will be executed.

  1. Input TimeZone.



Bulk user management

It provides bulk action to active or deactivate users immediately.

  1. Search users with the filters, for example, select a date of Last active in Jira before

  2. Select users by tick the checkboxs, and then click button above to deactivate or active selected user.


View audit logs

Click tab Logs at the top right of the screen to view all activities of user management made by both bulk action and the schedule job.
